Protecting Yourself

Takes a lot of effort. I know I have at least two big and complex I get up early to take advantage of the Abundant Yang Qi for morning qigong and yoga and to strengthen my aura. I know I need to eat properly, so I cook rice.

I know I will be dealing with sappy bad energy...chronic, sick...

So I choose the correct crystals, fill my pot of alkaline water, take some supplements, pack some snacks and will later put on some Hauschka over my vulnerable auric field and some special oil at special points. Besides this I will be careful to mentally keep a boundary and wash my hands up to my elbows immediately after each encounter.

When I come back, maybe I will need to soak in an Epsom Salt Bath...see, I wish I lived right next to the beach already...


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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).