The Poo Specialist!

Haha, I have inadvertently become a "poo" specialist with resounding success in my treatments given for constipation and digestive issues...

I actually really love treating constipation for that reason...cos it's one where when your treatment get definitive feedback in a timely fashion! LOL

And besides, it's amazing how many people feel so much anxiety when they're not "regular" so it's nice to be able to provide not only physical but also psycho-emotional relief ;)

Staying on topic somewhat lol...I'm somewhat "in the shits" having frittered away what little spare time I do have and left EVERYTHING TO THE LAST MINUTE! arghhhh the next 6, 7 days are going to be stretched to max and STRESSY trying to start and complete all the assessments! Maybe my subconscious likes the adrenalin rush of living on the edge :p

9:31pm friday 8 may 2009

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).