Being Hammered.

It's 12:23am. This lifestyle is gruelling. I'm in a paralysed state of stress. I know this is a contradiction but I am- in calm stress. ie I've not kicked into action yet cos I'm still trying to find the drive to get off the starting line...I'm still reeling from burn out and exhaustion from the past week and my brain is still recovering having been stretched to the max. But at least I'm still awake (courtesy of afternoon siesta) and going to do some intellectual reading on channel theory which will hopefully be absorbed during sleep so that I can just spit out an essay in it's entirety tomorrow. If there's one thing I've learnt- sleep is all a brain really needs to really do amazing knowledge consolidation. Too bad I'm not getting any, cos my shut eye is full of wacky and vivid dreams...which I'm sure mean something that would be more clear if I recorded them and read back over them in the future...but I don't want to tax myself anymore than what is essential right now.

12:30am sunday 10 may 2009

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).