The Bi-annual Burn Out.

Stage 1 for 2009 of the Bi-Annual Burn out. The same time each year where everything gets so stressful, demands are high and you're so exhausted and have hit a wall. So you do what any rational person does and throw some kind of necessary tantrum, have a peak transient "crisis", let off some pent up energy and then it's gone. After a whole lot of swearing and booze, you actually feel good again...

all you really needed to do was let yourself loose from that chain that ties you to your desk, rest your weary eyes from the glare of that screen, go out and breathe fresh air and find some real live mates to rant with...

Sane again! Too easy! Nevertheless an inevitable bi-annual ritual...

monday 25 may 2009 10:47pm

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).