All Therapists should have therapists.

Another said:"We always give much more than we get". Story of my life. I'm SO TIRED OF GIVING!!!

My classmates had her first massage shift today and by the end of the day she burst out "I AM SO.OVER.MASSAGE!"

Can't say I disagree...who said I can be a workaholic...screw that, I'm back to my part-time work lifestyle aspirations...those damn little suckers (patients and sick ones) just SUCK YOU DRY of mainly ENERGY but often also good vibes...and you're doing well if you don't come back with some empathic ailment :p

The other issue that has been plaguing me this week is the fact that EVERYTHING COSTS...we are such a selfish Taker society. It gets sad for us small percentage of Giver Types in the Big City. If everybody were even HALF as unselfish and considerate of others as we, wouldn't the city just be such a Much Nicer Place?

I know when you give you should do so freely, without any expectation of anything in return...however past this now...for me it comes down to an issue of FAIRNESS. Of course I know life and the world isn't fair...but don't I just wish it were!!!

I guess this desire for fairness just shows how big a concern EQUALITY is for me at this stage of my life...Rant least in this blog LOL
friday 17 april 10:23am

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).