Maybe I just want to be...Average.

Is there anything wrong with being average?!

The other day I remarked to my friend "I wish I were just...Normal". And she replied "Me Too".

It's not that I don't like being's more that we live in a society where it's best to fit smack bang in the middle of the bell all respects, or else you tend to attract trouble whether you're on the advantaged or disadvantaged end of the bell curve.

I guess it doesn't really bother me all that much- I think what bothers me is that I've never been allowed to be "just normal"- everybody has always had so many expectations of me including myself...even people who don't know me just have assumptions cos they reckon I have a "smart face". I can't just get out of bed and think "hmmm I'm allowed to be average today".

So I guess that's a deeply embedded psychological conditioning I need to get rid of and definitely not impose on the next generation of Mes (if it comes to that!)

I think it would be really interesting to exist in a world without bias or judgement, at least for a day...everyday, living judgement and bias free...well maybe that could get a bit boring and bland...

29/10/2008 16:48

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).