So, for whatever reason I always seem to encounter oddball cases, that lie on the extremities of conventional medical understanding, or outright defy it!
Well I guess that is typically what TCM draws...
Anyway extremely fascinating! And my patient would agree...those naysayers who say TCM and acupuncture is a load of bull...she has amazing testimony of that it DEFINITELY. HAS. EFFECTS. What happened to her, absolutely noone can deny that she could have created that effect "psychosomatically".
Furthermore from the various interactions and the very immediate changes, TCM definitely DOES MAKE THINGS HAPPEN IN THE BODY!
I know you are probably dying to know what happened but anyway my head is stilll trying to has been a very. surreal. week!
11:45PM 12/4/27
About This Blog...
- greenjade
- share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).