A life of self-neglect

wow I am so not used to the luxury of more than 6 hours sleep that now I keep getting up before 6am!

I realised during semester life is so much like a pressure cooker and that blogging etc is all just a means to let off this steam...once on holidays I think the blogging and spending so much time on the net distracting becomes rather redundant...good thing too- will be nice to have a "real life" again!

Any case just under a week to go to hand in my final paper. I guess I should get started. The earlier it's done the earlier I can "have a life"!

p.s since this blog is 'documentary' I have to note that the exams this year were so stressful I ended up buying THREE pairs of shoes directly after the final one...I think it is almost like the overindulgence is a weak attempt to compensate for all the self neglect that goes on for the entire semester...sleep deprivation, meal deprivation, house deprivation...everything basically when you so lack spare time it's existential minimalism...you are functioning in such a rigid hectic schedule...all moments of spare time are not actually spare time but "in-between" moments ie 20 spare minutes popped up cos your class finished early or whatever. It's pretty sad. But the student existence will end...and I guess it'll be a little sad but also a WHOLE LOTTA RELIEF when it actually does!

621am friday 5 june 2009

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).