This Blog is In Hibernation =)

Woohooooooooooooo! Done. Dusted. FREEDOM for the next 3 months...see you next year!

12 november 2008 543am

"Don't be such a tight ass...literally!"


this is literally what my tutor told me or rather "stop clenching your butt!"

This was as my partner prepared to needle one of the most intimidating points on the body- a point right at the tip of the coccyx, literally "up one's ass"!

So...a momentous or at least memorable way to top off our final prac for the year.

LOL apart from my Tight Ass, I also witnessed some Bad Ass and some Hot Sizzling Ass haha ;)

...Too Much Fun.


9:42PM monday 3 november 2008

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).