I made a Girl CRY.

But it was a good thing. Too many of us hold in and repress our emotions. And it's healthy to let it all out with a Good CRY every now and again.

In any case it was really cute when she reported with surprise the strange reaction induced by the needles. No wonder people still regard acupuncture as mystical and magical...unfortunately it doesn't help our case with the "scientific" Skeptics...

To be honest though, hailing from a somewhat conservative and "rational-logical" upbringing, I must say, no matter how long I do this, the results do often blow my mind and leave my mouth wanting to hang "O-shaped".

Sometimes, you just can't think too much- the Mind in itself can really be quite limiting, as there are many things the Human Mind is just too pip-squeaky to fathom!


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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).