it sure is handy being able to acupuncture oneself!
I've been really exhausted and battling mucus congesting all in my head and chest for some time now...which has been clogging up my qi from flowing I kept wanting to just sleep and couldn't think with such a muggy head!
This has been disastrous for productivity with study and being able to really THINK.
So I had to resort to needling myself- a whole lot more difficult when self-done cos you are very aware and anticipatory of that moment of pain....
In any case I thought I'd needle myself then go take a nap since I was getting nowhere with my any case it was so effective that I didn't actually need to take a nap and just whizzed right through to finish up that portion of study in a quarter of the allocated time- just cos my brain could suddenly work really efficiently again!!! COOL....
Very good for those with ADHD and tired all the time tendencies...
saturday 12 september 2009 4:42pm
About This Blog...
- greenjade
- share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).