I am one sucky student.

For sure I like learning...But STUDYING is another matter altogether! It sure doesn't come naturally to me and most of the time I feel like making myself do it is like someone has grabbed me by my ankles dragging me and dumping me in my study chair and TIED ME TO MY DESK! (something not dissimilar was done in the past when I've had someone to crack the whip! LOL) So I just sit there and try and wriggle out of my bonds and usual don't end up being too productive :p

So I've been especially bad the last 2 weeks or so...doing anything and everything but. You'd think I'd have learnt my lesson from the last entry but no....I've still managed to procrastinate everything to the last minute and have a heck of a lot to cram and absorb in a heck of a short time.

No wonder my head hurts :p
5:15pm tuesday 5 may 2009

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share the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of a mature age student back to school to become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).